这是 ethereumjs-monorepo
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CommonJS and ESmodules
npm install --save @edgematrixjs/rtc
Create Subject
import { Http } from '@edgematrixjs/http';
import { RTC } from '@edgematrixjs/rtc';
const chatId = 2;
const privateKey = '';
const httpsUrl = 'https://oregon.edgematrix.xyz';
const emHttp = new Http({ baseURL: httpsUrl });
const rtc = new RTC();
const { _result, hash } = await rtc.createSubject(chainId, privateKey, emHttp);
//_result === 0 is success, the 'hash' is subject
Subscribe Subject
import { EmSocket } from '@edgematrixjs/socket';
import { RTC } from '@edgematrixjs/rtc';
//connect method implement follow in test/index.spec.ts
const wssUrl = 'wss://oregon.edgematrix.xyz/edge_ws';
const handleAction = ({ action, event }) => {};
const { _result: _socketResult, emSocket, event } = await connect({ network: wssUrl, callback: handleAction });
if (_socketResult !== 0) {
throw new Error('socket is error');
const rtc = new RTC();
const chatId = 2;
const application = 'edge_chat';
const subject = 'Your Subject';
const content = 'Your Content';
const params = { subject, application, content, chainId };
const { _result } = await rtc.subscribe(params, privateKey, emSocket);
//_result === 0 is success
Send Message
import { Http } from '@edgematrixjs/http';
import { RTC } from '@edgematrixjs/rtc';
const httpsUrl = 'https://oregon.edgematrix.xyz';
const emHttp = new Http({ baseURL: httpsUrl });
const rtc = new RTC();
const params = {
subject: globalSubject,
application: 'edge_chat',
content: JSON.stringify({ data: 'test send message' }),
//When the "To" parameter is empty, everyone who subscribed to the subject will receive your message
//to?: {TargetPublicKey},
const { _result } = await rtc.sendMessage(params, privateKey, emHttp);
//_result === 0 is success
<script src="packages/client/dist/bundle.js"></script>
const privateKey = '0xb22be9c19b61adc1d8e89a1dae0346ed274ac9fa239c06286910c29f9fee59d3';
const subject = '0x8eeb338239ada22d81ffb7adc995fe31a4d1dc2d701bc8a58fffe5b53e14281e';
const httpsUrl = 'https://oregon.edgematrix.xyz';
const wssUrl = 'wss://oregon.edgematrix.xyz/edge_ws';
window.onload = function () {
const Http = edgematrixjs.Http;
const RTC = edgematrixjs.RTC;
const ws = new edgematrixjs.EmSocket({ url: wssUrl });
//set open listener
ws.setOpenListener((event) => {
const rtc = new RTC();
const subscribe = { subject: subject, application: 'edge_chat', content: 'subject', chainId: 2 };
rtc.subscribe(subscribe, privateKey, ws).then((resp) => {
//send message
const http = new Http({ baseURL: httpsUrl });
const messageContent = { data: 'hello' };
const message = {
subject: subject,
application: 'edge_chat',
chainId: 2,
content: JSON.stringify(messageContent),
rtc.sendMessage(message, privateKey, http);
//set message listener
ws.addMessageListener((event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(event.data) || {};
const params = data.params || {};
const result = params.result || {};
const from = result.From;
const type = result.Type;
let content = { data: '' };
try {
content = JSON.parse(result.Content);
} catch (e) {}
console.info(`recerved message `, content);
//connect socket
Last updated